Biodiversity Net Gain

Wildflower field margin

© Chris Gomersall/2020VISION

Biodiversity Net Gain

What we can advise you on

SWT Ecology Services can provide expert Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) advice for projects across Surrey and the South East, supporting you with all mandatory requirements and implementing a strategy for BNG.

In England, a 10% biodiversity net gain must be delivered for eligible habitats under the Environment Act 2021 by creating or enhancing habitats. This must be evidenced using the statutory metric calculation tool and maintained for 30 years.

Biodiversity net gain aims to halt the current loss in biodiversity and restore ecological connectivity, through enhancing lower quality habitats and limiting loss of high value, irreplaceable habitats (e.g. ancient woodland).

Calculating net gain

To calculate net gain, the baseline biodiversity units of each habitat will be established. The area of each habitats to be impacted through removal or degradation will be determined based on development plans and the target biodiversity units required to offset the impact will be identified.  

The biodiversity net gain metric will need to demonstrate the key principals of biodiversity net gain.  First impacts must be avoided, then minimised before mitigation is implemented.  Once these three steps have been taken, biodiversity offsets requirements can be calculated.

CIEEM has published principles and guidance regarding biodiversity net gain that are available for download:


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SWT Ecology Services’ pragmatic advice has been much appreciated and their recommendations not onerous for us to fulfil. This has been invaluable for us to deliver our portfolio of projects!
Peter Walsh, Senior Development Manager
McCarthy & Stone