

© Jon Hawkins - Surrey Hills Photography

About Surrey Wildlife Trust

Working for nature

SWT Ecology Services is a wholly owned subsidiary of Surrey Wildlife Trust, a Surrey based wildlife charity and one of 46 Wildlife Trusts working across the UK.

With the support of volunteers and members, the Trust cares for over 5,000ha of land for wildlife in Surrey across 60 reserves. They also work with other organisations and landowners to protect and connect wildlife habitats across the county and to inspire people to care for nature where they live.

More about Surrey Wildlife Trust

Harvest Mouse

David J Smith Photography

Charity Mission

Although we can still celebrate the richness, wildness and beauty of Surrey's natural landscapes, one-third of the county's native species have either been lost or are in decline, despite conservationists’ efforts to reverse the loss of biodiversity.

Surrey hosts important populations of around 30% of the rapidly-declining species afforded ‘priority’ conservation status under UK law. Most of these now reside within protected priority habitats and are reliant on efforts to conserve them.

The only way to reverse the decline of wildlife is to ensure that protected habitats such as nature reserves are connected through a 'Nature Recovery Network' of joined up sites for nature. This means working with local authorities, landowners, businesses, schools and communities, to protect and connect nature in Surrey.

More about Surrey Wildlife Trust's mission

Silver-washed fritillary

© Don Sutherland

Corporate Membership

Become a Corporate Member today, and help Surrey’s wildlife and your business, thrive.

Surrey Wildlife Trust offers a range of benefits, from PR opportunities to staff days at one of our nature reserves  and our support levels are tiered, ensuring that every company can make a difference for wildlife.

Find out more

Become a Corporate Member

 Talk to us about how your business can support wildlife in Surrey

Email: fundraising@surreywt.org.uk
Tel: 01483 795440