Gabrielle Graham, BSc (Hons) MSc MCIEEM CEcol - Managing Director

Gabrielle’s experience working on large-scale projects in the infrastructure, renewable energy and housing development markets stems from an extensive career in the ecology sector. An experienced practitioner, she has prepared, reviewed and approved numerous Ecological Impact Assessments across the housing development, road and rail infrastructure and renewable energy, in addition to Habitat Regulations Assessments. Appearing as an expert witness on behalf of Local Planning Authorities, Gabrielle's knowledge and experience has contributed to appeals being dismissed based on her evidence.
Gabrielle holds a Level 2 Bat Class Survey licence, is a registered consultant under the Bat Earned Recognition (BER) scheme and has been the named ecologist numerous bat mitigation licences.
Gabrielle is on the British Standard Institute (BSI) Biodiversity Committee and is vice-chair in the BS42020 group revising the standard. She's also on the Biodiversity Benchmark Steering Group and is Chair of the Wildlife Trust Consultancies.
If you could do one thing to help biodiversity: think before you buy! Everything we buy has an impact on biodiversity, and if you buy anything, try to find products that have considered its impact on biodiversity and actively minimise these (rather than saying they will, but don't).
Claire Gibbs, BSc (Hons) MSc MICEEM - Principal Ecologist

Claire has had a lifelong interest and appreciation of the natural world. She is an experienced ecologist having worked for over 20 years in the conservation sector, mainly based in Surrey. She has a first class degree in Ecology and Conservation, a Masters in Environmental Management and is a full member of the Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management.
Claire is experienced in undertaking Preliminary Ecological Appraisals and habitat surveys with many years of undertaking surveys of Local Wildlife Sites for Local Authorities. She has particular expertise in the production of conservation management plans for a variety of different clients and is a certified auditor for the Biodiversity Benchmark scheme coordinated by the Wildlife Trusts.
In her spare time Claire loves exploring the outdoors with her family and inspiring the next generation of young ecologists by volunteering with her local Beaver Scout group.
If you could do one thing to help biodiversity: think of something you could do on your own patch such as introduce some pollinator friendly plants in your garden or in a window box.
Isobel Girvan, BSc MCIEEM FLS - Principal Ecologist

After completing a Geography and Environmental Studies degree from Surrey University Isobel moved to Somerset Environmental Records Centre to work as an Environmental Surveyor and Planning Assistant. In 1997, she moved back to Surrey to begin working at Surrey Wildlife Trust as Assistant Reserves Officer, then Sites of Nature Conservation Importance Officer and then Consultancy Manager. For fifteen years she has been Principal Ecologist, specialising in bespoke botanical surveys and habitat management plans, as well as undertaking National Vegetation Classification (NVC) surveys and has superb knowledge of the UK Habitat Classification system. She has been a full member of the Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management (MCIEEM) since 2003 and is a Fellow of the Linnean Society (FLS).
Isobel is on the committee for Surrey Botanical Society, Hampshire Flora Group and Alton Natural History Society, attending many of the field meetings during the summer. In the winter there are always mosses to identify with the British Bryological Society.
If there was one thing she would like to see everyone do to help biodiversity it would be to leave at least a small corner of the garden for nature with some decaying wood, or a window box with native wildflowers.
Jamel Guenioui, BSc (Hons) - Principal Ecologist

Jamel has been fascinated by the natural world for many years and has a keen interest in herpetology. He studied Zoology with Animal Ecology at the University of Wales, Bangor and graduated with first class honours in 2005. Following this he has nearly ten years of countryside management experience on a variety of habitats including ancient woodland, lowland heathland, and wetland.
Dedicated and highly motivated, Jamel has experience of carrying out surveys and writing reports for Preliminary Ecological Appraisals, site management plans, specialist amphibian and reptile surveys and assisting with bat surveys. As an improving botanist he is a member of the Surrey Botanical Society and holds a committee position within the Surrey Amphibian and Reptile Group managing the reptile survey and monitoring effort across Surrey. Jamel holds an exemption licence covering the rare reptile species and a class licence for great crested newt survey work. Outside of work he juggles family life with voluntary roles and an interest in photography.
Lorraine Parish, BSc MSc MCIEEM - Principal Ecologist

Lorraine has been working in ecological consultancy since 2003, having also worked in the conservation sector and has experience working with clients across a wide range of sectors. Lorraine specialises in protected species. Project work experience includes providing expert guidance to Kier Infrastructure on the M23 smart motorway project.
Louise Ryan, BSc MBiolSci - Principal Ecologist

I am experienced in managing a portfolio of projects through the entire project life-cycle. Projects range from those associated with planning applications for development, through to projects that do not require planning permission but do require adhering to ecological legislation, such as restoration of habitats and biodiversity uplifting. My skills include: understanding what is required for the project in order to provide accurate advice and fee proposals for ecological survey work; liaising with clients and other professions; planning, leading and assisting field surveys to collate biological information and using this information to complete robust ecological impact assessments, biodiversity net gain (BNG) assessments and, where required, mitigation strategies and protected species Mitigation Licences from Natural England.
In 2020 I assisted in a radio tracking project for barbastelle bats; a highlight of the survey work that I have completed. In 2018 and 2019, I assisted in the Kent Bat Group Bechstein’s bat project, which successful identified maternity roosts of the species in Kent (including radio-tracking) and have been a regular assistant on the Kent Bat Group’s bat hibernation checks.
I have voluntarily led bat walks to the general public, and delivered talks on ecology at Parish Council Events, including Cranleigh Parish Council which is a regular client of the SWT Ecology Services.
Harriet Baber, BSc (Hons) - Senior Ecologist

After completing her degree in Zoology at Exeter Universities Cornwall Campus, Hatty moved to Surrey in 2017 where she work began working for a large multi-disciplinary consultancy. Hatty undertook a range of ecological surveys and found a love for botany, birds and bats. Gaining level 1 survey licences in both bats and great crested newts.
In 2022 Hatty moved to Surrey Wildlife Trust Ecology Services as a Senior Ecologist and has since been pursuing her various passions. This has included undertaking a range of botany and breeding bird surveys. She has also expanded her knowledge of Biodiversity Net Gain and Habitat Management Plans.
In her spare time Hatty is completing a Masters Degree in Biological Recording and Ecological Monitoring through Manchester Metropolitan University. Outside of that she is an active member of Surrey Botanical Society, several local bat groups and Surrey Reptile and Amphibian Group. Beyond that she loves long dog walks with her greyhound Flynn and bird watching.
If I could ask people to do one thing for biodiversity it would be to teach and share, knowledge is power
Harriet Fisher, BSc (Hons) ACIEEM - Senior Ecologist

Harriet has been with SWT Ecology Services since 2018, resulting in experience across a wide range of species and projects, from large scale infrastructure to individual homeowner projects. She holds a Level 1 great crested newt survey licence and has been accredited to work under Level 2 bat survey licences, along with having extensive experience of supporting works under mitigation licences (e.g. badger, great crested newt, Roman snail).
Harriet is trained as a tree climber and MEWP operator, and in her free time enjoys rock-climbing and fungi-spotting
Jenny Dawson, MChem (Hons) MSc ACIEEM - Senior Ecologist

Jenny has always loved wildlife she she can remember, however she has joined the Ecology Services team through a slightly unconventional route. First completing her Masters in Chemistry at Durham in 2014, her passion for all things wild (particularly invertebrates) brought her to Imperial College, where she graduated her MSc in Ecology, Evolution and Conservation with Distinction.
With a background covering multiple disciplines, Jenny has experience across a wide range of roles. Although at the start of her ecological career, she is skilled in Bat, Great Crested Newt and Reptile surveys, and has gained skills in Ecological Clerk of Works as well as Badger surveying and sett closures. Jenny is currently expanding her invertebrate knowledge (particularly butterflies and spiders) and is aiming to gain a class licence for Great Crested Newt in the near future. Outside of work, she likes arts and crafts, and is inspired by the wildlife around her.
Daniel Lock, BSc (Hons) MSc - Ecologist

Daniel has been working in the ecology and conservation sector since 2020, after completing a BSc (Hons) in Zoology and an MSc in Applied Ecology and Conservation for which he investigated the impacts of heathland restoration on plant, invertebrate and bird communities.
He has a broad skill set which includes experience of habitat and EES surveys and species surveys including for badgers, bats, breeding birds and great crested newts. He has worked on a broad range of projects from smaller sites to larger multi-phase projects. He holds a GCN level 1 license and an aerial tree climbing and rescue certificate.
Hamdah Ismail, BSc (Hons) MSc - Ecologist

Hamdah studied Natural Sciences and completed her master’s degree in Biodiversity and Evolution at the Università di Palermo (Italy). She focused on the ecology of bats and reptiles, while developing a growing interest in botany and ornithology. She has been with SWT Ecology Services since 2019, gaining experience in protected species survey, UK Habitat surveys and BNG assessments. She has worked on various projects, from large scale infrastructure to preparing management plans. She is trained as a MEWP operator and is working towards gaining a Level 2 bat survey licence. In her free time Hamdah enjoys kayaking and photography.
Joanna Klys, BSc (Hons) - Ecologist

Joanna has been involved in the England Ecosystem Survey (EES) which is a part of the Natural Capital and Ecosystem Assessment (NCEA), long -term programme that aims to transform landscape decision - making in England. The EES involves collecting field data on land, landscape, ecosystem processes, and ecological communities.
Martha Tingey, BSc (Hons) - Ecologist

Martha has always been interested in the Natural World and from this undertook a Zoology degree at Swansea University. After graduating she was an Ecology Wildlife Trainee with Berks, Bucks and Oxon Wildlife Trust. Since then, she has worked at SWT Ecology Services, starting as a Seasonal Ecologist then becoming an Assistant Ecologist and she is currently an Ecologist.
Martha's main interests include invertebrates, fungi, water voles and badgers. Martha has a Level 1 GCN survey license and is a Mental Health First Aider.
One thing Martha would like to see each person do to benefit wildlife is for people to create wildlife ponds within their gardens to improve biodiversity.
Ahri Weeks, BSc (Hons) - Assistant Ecologist

Ahri has always had a love for nature, which culminated in studying for an Environmental Conservation degree and they graduated from the University of Bangor with Honours. Ahri has an interest in plants and lower plants, particularly lichens. In their free time they like to attend lichen courses, go for walks and learn more about ecology!
Ahri has been working with Ecology Services since 2022, first as a Seasonal, and now as an Assistant Ecologist. They are focusing on improving plant and habitat ID and are working towards their great crested newt license.
If you could do one thing to help biodiversity: The popular phrase Reduce, Reuse and Recycle is in order of priority! So focus on reducing waste and reusing what you already have before moving on to recycling.
Elliot Hope-Ross, BSc (Hons) - Assistant Ecologist

Elliot has been working with Ecology Services since 2022, first as a Seasonal, and now as an Assistant Ecologist.
He has pursued a lifelong passion for biology and ecology, culminating with his graduation from the University of Surrey, with Honours.
Kama Cooper-Walden, S.A.C Dip. (Ecology), Cert (Ecology) - Assistant Ecologist

Kama has been working in Ecology since 2021 after a role as a countryside ranger and previous career as air cabin crew. Kama's interest in wildlife has been from a young age growing up within in a SSSI area of the surrey Hills and volunteering for Wildlife aid.
Kama's main interests include Bryophytes and Conchology. Kama has a Level 1 GCN survey license and is working towards her Dormouse license.
One thing Kama would like to see each person do to benefit wildlife is to use natural deterrents rather than chemicals in their garden, better yet allow all species to share their garden.
Sarah Monkhouse, BSc (Hons) - Assistant Ecologist

After completing a degree in Marine Biology at Swansea University, Sarah undertook various voluntary roles researching and protecting UK wildlife. Following this, she moved to Surrey to become a Seasonal Ecologist at Surrey Wildlife Trust in 2022, and has stayed on as an Assistant Ecologist.
One thing Sarah would like to see people do to benefit wildlife is to respect and support local wildlife sites and green spaces by sticking to paths and never littering.
Jackie Lake, BSc (Hons) - Seasonal Ecologist

Jackie has been working with Ecology Services since 2023 and as a seasonal ecologist for 2024. With a degree in Biology and background in countryside management and sustainable transport, Jackie is embracing ecological consultancy as a new branch of her environmental career.
Sean Stone, BSc (Hons) - Seasonal Ecologist

Sean started his degree in Environmental Science and developed a deep interest in botany whilst studying and completing field survey work for his modules. Whilst studying, Sean volunteered with Surrey Wildlife Trust and The Conservation Volunteers (TCV) undertaking practical conservation tasks in and around the Surrey area. During this time, Sean attended and helped run some public bat-walks which led to a developing interest in bat ecology. After completing his degree, Sean completed a Volunteer Officer 6-month position with TCV which helped to further instil knowledge about British terrestrial ecology. Beyond that, Sean started completing some ad-hoc survey work (primarily bat surveys and EES) with SWT:ES during 2023 which led to a fixed-term contract of a Seasonal Ecologist during 2024.
During Sean's studies, Sean completed multiple modules on ecology, and a fundamental principle of ecology is the trophic pyramid and heat transfer. As such, Sean decided to follow a plant-based diet to reduce his personal ecological footprint as less land used for agriculture could lead to more land allocated for nature & ultimately increasing biodiversity, which is a lifestyle change Sean believes more people could adopt for a healthier biosphere.
Emily Burden, BSc (Hons) - GIS Consultant

After completing a degree in Geography with Applied GIS, Emily has applied her technical and communication skills in a variety of departments in Surrey Wildlife Trust. Emily has helped the public understand technology and citizen science approaches behind The Space4Nature project by creating online interactive resources. She has also spent time working in Surrey Biodiversity Information Centre where she used GIS to help produce ecological reports.
If you could do one thing to help biodiversity: Keep learning more about the natural world, notice when things are different to what you assumed they would be and share your knowledge to inspire other people.
Jack Westwood, BSc (Hons) MSc - GIS Consultant

Jack joined Ecology Services in 2024, having previously worked as a GIS consultant in flood management and flood risk mapping in both public and private sector organisations.
Lucinda Langstone-Bolt - Operational Manager

I joined originally as a resource planner and then became Operations Manager for SWT.
My background is very different as previously worked as an Account Director within Software and latterly Cyber Security.
I have had horses and dogs for all my adult life and it was time spent with them which meant I was truly aware of the changing seasons and the impact we have on our environment. This led to a real interest in conservation and how we can support our countryside.
I would like people to understand that biodiversity does not have to mean dramatic sacrifices and changes. Its throwing away the Astro turf, it is leaving an area for wildflowers. Thinking about planting bee and butterfly friendly plants. We can all make small step changes which then add up to a huge impact on the environment we live. And then we all reap the benefits.
Clarke Beaver, BSc (Hons) - Project Co-ordinator

A self-declared biophile, Clarke has a strong interest in the natural world and joining Surrey Wildlife Trust Ecology Services in April 2024 has helped him reach a goal of contributing to the benefit of biodiversity on a professional level. Through the power of administration and project coordinating, Clarke works alongside the experienced Ecology team to supply a fluid, professional service to the county of Surrey and beyond.
With a solid background of administrative experience and a sport science degree, Ecology has been a diversion, but one that was always present in Clarke's mind to transfer passion to action. A willingness to learn and being present in an industry that puts nature first, attracted him to the trust to contribute to the overall mission of increasing the diversity and abundance of native wildlife across our county.
One thing I'd like to see society do for biodiversity is to understand and educate themselves about the affects we have on ecosystems and how we can make small changes in our spaces (gardens, allotments, local parks etc.) to help species thrive such as planting native, pollinator friendly plants and keeping sections of the lawn wild.
Clarke has specific interests in Birds, Fungi and insects - particularly Moths.
Holly Keats, PhD - Project Co-ordinator

Holly came into the role of Project Co-ordinator in 2024. She has a passion for wildlife and conservation.
One thing I'd love to see everyone do for biodiversity is appreciate and plant more hedgerows! They are wildlife highways which support so many species of insect, plants and animals.