Ecological advice

Brown Long Eared Bat

© Tom Marshall

Ecological advice

What we can advise you on

SWT Ecology Services can provide expert ecological advice for projects across Surrey and the South East.

From feasibility to project delivery, we can guide you through the biodiversity journey and support you in creating a sense of place.

Conception stage

In the conception stages of your project we can identify key ecological opportunities and constraints, using desk studies, walkover surveys and review of aerial photography.  By feeding into your landscape designs, we support you in establishing vital Green Infrastructure within your projects and incorporate mitigation designs that may be required.

Through our colleagues in Surrey Wildlife Trust, we can offer you pre-planning advice and support, to ensure the planning process runs smoothly and ecology is considered appropriately prior to submission.

Submitting your application

When submitting your planning application, our reports will present the ecology of your site and demonstrate measures to manage these.  In line with the government’s 25 Year Environment Plan, National Planning Policy Framework (2019) and recent guidance, we can calculate net gain for your projects and support you in identifying suitable offset opportunities, on and off site.

Pre- and construction stage

During the pre- and construction phase of your project, we can supply an experienced Ecological Clerk of Works (ECoW); support, prepare and implement your Landscape and Environment Management Plan, prepare the ecological components of your Construction Environment Management Plan (CEMP).

Post-development stage

Post-development we can undertake compliance checks, monitoring to inform site management, prepare Habitat and Species Management Plans, and advise on land management.

Through our colleagues at Surrey Wildlife Trust, we can also provide community engagement and education.

Get in touch

Tel: 01483 795 465

Make an online enquiry

Bat Survey

Specialist surveys

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Wildflower field margin

© Chris Gomersall/2020VISION

Biodiversity Net Gain

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SWT Ecology Services’ pragmatic advice has been much appreciated and their recommendations not onerous for us to fulfil. This has been invaluable for us to deliver our portfolio of projects!
Peter Walsh, Senior Development Manager
McCarthy & Stone